I have always been passionate about property, knowing from a young age I wanted a career in the industry, growing up observing the achievements of family members in the profession. I pride myself on good morals and honesty. My belief is that the fundamental aspect to success in estate agency is delivering the highest level of customer service and a genuine desire to help people. I feel very fortunate to be working in such an architecturally inspiring area, dealing with such outstanding properties. It gives me great satisfaction to identify a client’s needs and then find them their perfect tenant.

I am very family orientated and enjoy quality time with loved ones. When away from the desk you may find me socialising with friends, eating out and shopping...maybe too much!

I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

– Thomas Jefferson


 Eva loves...

  • Travelling and exploring new destinations
  • David Attenborough documentaries
  • Fitness
  • Trying new cuisines
  • Cooking